It’s Rash Vest Season!

Posted by Aleeda Wetsuits on

Yep as the temperature turns, so do the minds and sewing machines at Aleeda HQ. Really from mid August, but with gusto from September onwards we’re making Rashies for nippers, swimmers and their supporters (Water Safety, Coaches, Mums & Dads) up and down the country.

We’re a little different to most in that the majority of what we supply is made in Aus, in our humble factory in Burleigh. Which means it’s an exciting time, but frankly one that we’re a little scared of this year! With many new clubs on board, and supply chain challenges impacting many competitors we’re seeing forward orders earlier than normal.  Watch this space as we continue to find innovative ways to help our Surf, Swim, and Tourist clients solve their needs.  

And if you’re looking at the upcoming season and haven’t got anything ready to go, please drop the team an email or call. We’re more than happy to see how we can help. Contact us here or call 0755934927.


Our Rashies!

Whether it’s Suns out = Guns out, a singlet (traditional or Racer back), or Long Sleeve for added sun protection our rash vests are made for performance fit, 50+ UV protection, and chlorine resistant silk touch lycra. Which all means they can put up with the demands of the surf (or pool) and keep coming back for more week after week, whilst being soft and brilliantly comfortable


As a note - to keep your rash vest in great condition, always rinse it out in cool water after swimming to remove any salt or chlorine (we keep ours on in the shower - but we’ve been accused of being lazy so…). Our rash vests are machine washable and prefer a cold cycle. And if you can, drip-dry a rash vest in the shade.

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